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Notice about the fees

2018-03-08 10:00

Dear authors

1.If more than one author of a paper wants to attend the conference, please pay registration fees first, which cover the publication fees of the manuscripts and the fees of attending the conference of one author. Other authors shall pay the fees of attending the conference on the site of the conference, each person paying 200 dollars. For example, if three authors of one paper decide to attend the conference, their total fees are 900 dollars(5002×200=900).They shall pay 500 dollars through the link http://meeting.yizhifubj.com.cn/web/main.action?meetingId=103 after their paper is accepted, and then each of the remaining two authors will pay 200 dollars on the site of the conference.

2.When you have questions about how to pay the Registration Fees, please send e-mail to iccrem@hit.edu.cn (this mailbox will now used to communicate for financial affairs).