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2. 部分作者邮箱地址存在问题,如下:

(1)J-20171221222241: E-mail: wufan23@yeah,net.   逗号貌似应改为英语句号。

(2)B-20171215154807: E-mail: 13936173121@sina.com. 未将会议邮箱加入白名单。

(3)C-20171220234909: E-mail: yangjingjing9608@qq.com. 未将会议邮箱加入白名单。

3. 对于2017年12月20日之后递交摘要的作者,不再专门发送摘要录用通知。登录网站后,若摘要管理页面状态显示“审核通过”即可上传论文。


Abstract Acceptance Notification

Dear Author:

1. We are glad to inform you that your abstract has been accepted !
Please login the conference website www.iccrem.com (with your own Username and Password) to check your number, title, Upload time and Audit stat. Then click on the “Upload papers” button to submit your full paper before Jan. 20th, 2018.

2. Please follow the” Guideline for ICCREM 2018 Papers” carefully when writing and formatting your paper. Please note that the first author of one paper may not be the first author of another paper.

3. All abstracts and papers must be submitted through website. The conference E-mails and the WeChat public number are only for communication, do not accept any abstracts or papers, thank you for cooperation !