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(2022-05-09 14:00)

1. 2022年5月09日,ICCREM2022第二批次21篇论文(下表所示) “录用通知/拒稿通知” 已发送至第一作者和通讯作者邮箱。如您未收到相关邮件,请检查您的垃圾邮箱,或将您的论文标号和题目发送至会议邮箱(iccrem@vip.163.com)进行评审结果查询。

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4.在2022年4月1日23:59:59之后提交的论文,目前正在外审中,待审稿意见返回后,将发送 “录用通知/拒稿通知”。

论文编号 题目 作者
081+A Ontology-based integrated cost management system for building development Zhichao Zhang1, Huiming Liu2, Jiang Xu3, Yanhua Shu4, Jun Xiao5
082+C Preliminary Study on Evaluation Index Systemof High-Quality Development of Construction Industry-Taking Jilin Province as an Example Guang jie Liu1, Dong zhi Cheng2 and Yang Lan3
083+A Quantitative Assessment on Carbon Emission of Sulphoaluminate Cement Production Chunjing Shang1; Chenggen Wu2; Liulei Lu3; Kaiqing Yao4; and Junfeng Wang5
084+A Embodied Carbon Emissions of China's Building Sector: A Dynamic Perspective Chen ZHU1, Xiaodong LI2, Zhihan YANG3
085+A Research on Development Strategy of Green Building in China under Dual Carbon Target Hongbing Li1, Mei Huang2and Xiaoyan Zhuo3
086+A Carbon emission of operation stage of residential buildings in Hot Summer and Warm Winter Zone in China Xiuqin Yin1, Lu Lin2, Sijie Zhong3, Ke Lin4, and Weimin Feng5
087+C Integrating BIM and IoT for Digital Twin Platform in Building Operation Management: Opportunities and Challenges Yuhui Sun1, Rameez Rameezdeen2, Christopher Chow3, and Jing Gao4
088+C Next-generation infrastructure design method based on digital twin technology for automated container terminal Yu Cao1, Qingcheng Zeng2, Hee Rui He3, Ang Yang4
089+C A Review on Current Advances of Intelligent Construction Based on Bibliometric Analysis Jing-Ke Yan1, Zhe Zheng2, Yu-Cheng Zhou3, Jia-Rui Lin4 , Yi-Chuan Deng5
090+C Application Research on Life Cycle Safety Management of Construction Project Based on BIM-4D Haoliang Ye1, Luqi Wang2, Wenyi Cen3,Weimin Feng4
091+D The recycling of construction and demolition waste from a circular economy perspective Zhenqiang Wu1, Luqi Wang2*, Qizhi Ye3, Weimin Feng4
092+E Network Model Analysis of Quality Control Factors of Prefabricated Buildings Based on Complex Network Theory Shulan Yang1, Zhiwei Hou2 and Hongbo Chen3
093+H Strategic alliance partner selection, alliance cultural capital and alliance performance relationship Renyan Mu[1], Shunen Wu[2]
094+H An empirical study on the impact of strategic alliance partnership selection on alliance performance ——The mediating role of trust mechanism Yan Yu,Bilin Shi
095+J Research on cost influencing factors and control measures of prefabricated housing based on ISM Lu Lin1,Xiuqin Yin2, Yaojie Huang3, Ke Lin4 , and Weimin Feng5
096+J Research on incremental cost effectiveness of prefabricated housing from the perspective of reducing loan interest in the construction stage Yang Jin1,Xiuqin Yin2, Lu Lin3, Yaojie Huang4 , and Weimin Feng5
097+K An input-output analysis in water-energy-food nexus basing on intensity and quantity index system—A case study of 30 cities in China Ke Zhang,Zihao Shen,Weina Zhu and Chengshuang Sun
098+L A Framework for Measuring the Degree of Citizen Participation in Urban Village Reconstruction Projects Yongxin Liang1, Yangbing Zhang2, Yousong Wang3 and Ming Li4
099+L An investigation on the spatial coupling relationship between rail transit and job-housing spatial structure in Shenzhen Chunmei Chen1 and Yani Lai*2
100+L A Study on the Collaborative Governance Mechanism of Old Residential Area Renovation Project from the Perspective of "Structure-Process" - A Case Study of Beijing Jinsong North Community Renovation Beibei QIN,Hong FAN,Rui DING
101+C Research on Integrated Management of L Hotel Construction Project Based on BIM5D Haize Pan 1, Yongwei Pan 2 and Chengjin Wu